Monday, December 17, 2012

Give it a Tri: Triathlons for Beginners!

For most of our participants, signing up for an event means that they are stepping out of their comfort zone to train for an event; to train for a cure. New events can be challenging, but shouldn't be intimidating to first timers! TNT Triple Crown recipient Arieana Carcieri gave us an inside look at her first triathlon experience, offering tips and amazing inspiration to newcomers to the sport!

You don’t need to be in great shape before training for a triathlon. Take it from me; I began training for my first triathlon while undergoing treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

In January 2012, just one month after being discharged from the hospital after having a stem cell transplant, I signed up for the NYC Triathlon with Team in Training. I began my training while still undergoing radiation therapy. It didn’t matter that my body was weak and fatigued- I had a whole lot of heart, the key to completing any endurance event.

{Arie finishing up at the NYC Triathlon; her first!}
Training began with indoor spin classes and for me, swim lessons. I had never learned the proper swim technique and could hardly swim the length of a pool. My treatment had left me unable to run, so I began with walking. Instead of focusing on the intensity of my workouts, I focused on dedicating myself to the sport faithfully, six days a week. Within a month, I was able to swim laps and began light jogging. In another month’s time I could swim ¼ of a mile, cycle 15 miles and jog several miles. Eventually I began incorporating brick workouts (a run immediately after a bike ride or a swim) into my weekly training plan.

Within 4 months, I successfully completed my first sprint distance triathlon, alongside my teammates! Two weeks later I found myself in NYC swimming 1.5k down the Hudson River, biking 40k alongside Westside Highway and running 10k through Central Park! It was impossible not to get choked up while running through the finishers’ shoot, as I thought to myself ‘What an achievement!’ The greatest feeling of all was celebrating with my team, knowing that each one of us had accomplished the one goal we had been working so hard for.
{Arie with some of our chapter at the NYC Triathlon!}
My love for the sport continued to grow and I committed to another 6 weeks of training, this time to prepare for Timberman Ironman 70.3 with a few teammates. I never imagined that I would be able to swim, bike and run for 70.3 miles, stopping only to change my gear, but I did! You can do it too, with a little heart and some great training buddies!

~Arieana Carcieri

Triple Crown Recipient. Survivor. Inspiration.

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