Last weekend TNT RI ventured out of the cold New England weather and headed down to the place where dreams come true: Disney World! For the last four months, our Team of 13 runners and walkers have been training for the 20th Anniversary of the Disney World Marathon and Half Marathon, a race for the kid inside of all of us. For five days, I had the pleasure of spending every waking minute with this inspiring, spirited group of participants; and we weren't alone! With just over 1,000 participants down for the race, we painted Disney purple. From the airport to the race expo, it was big smiles and cheers of "Go Team!" all weekend long, with purple shirts that had traveled from all across the country to take part in the most magical race on earth.
{Our half marathoners on race morning!! Ready to go!} |
The weekend began on the red carpet, where race day nerves were no match for the Inspiration dinner on the eve of the half marathon, as powerful guest speakers captured the attention of the audience and brought most of the room to tears. The ballroom was full of passionate runners, walkers, coaches, staff, family, and friends, all brought together for a common goal: a cure. The room erupted with cheers and applause as it was announced that this group raised $3.4 million for LLS, an overwhelming number going towards blood cancer research and patient services. Once enough pasta was consumed and race day reminders were covered, it was time for our Team to retire to their rooms for the night and rest up for their 5:30am start!
{3am and all smiles!!} |
The schedule was the same for both days, the half marathon held on Saturday morning and the full marathon held on Sunday morning. With sun nowhere near rising, the rest of our resort was woken up by cheers and laughter just before heading to the starting line. A 5:30am race start means a 3:30am shuttle to get there; what fun! The weather was kind to the runners at the start and held a comfortable 60 degrees for most of the race, allowing for shorts and sleeveless shirts, a style our participants haven't fashioned in months! Despite the rising heat as the sun came up, each and every TNT participant was helped by the dozens of TNT coaches that spanned the course, and making sure everyone reached the finish. At the finish line it was all hugs and tears, our teammates flashing their well-deserved medals to family and friends, posing for dozens of victory pictures! And our Team quickly discovered the best part about finishing a race is the relaxing that comes after it!
{Leah after her first marathon!} |
Reflecting back on the experience, our Team found that it was hard not to be excited all throughout the race. With beloved Disney characters lining the entire course and TNT cheer teams every few miles with whistles and cowbells, waving wildly to everyone wearing purple, the energy out on the course was unbelievable. Shouts of "Go Team!" filled the air every step of the way, driving participants to complete their goal. Season after season, TNT participants finish the race with the same life-changing experience our Disney Team had. Just as you're starting to hit the wall during the race, ready to flag down a volunteer to drive you to the finish, you remember why you are there: for a world without cancer. Suddenly the pain vanishes and your second wind powers you through to the finish line, fists in the air, a smile on your face. Whether you finish in your best time or your worst, you made a difference.
A huge thank you to our incredible Disney Team for fundraising over $50,000 for LLS this season and for completing their race!! They are rockstars!! Thank you to our participants Liz Perry, Jackie Price, Patricia Sprague, Dan Sprague, Gretchen DeLue, Stephanie Oles, Thea Cerio, Linda Fagundes, Nikki Fagundes, Gwynne Coupe, Leah Lewis, Matt Hoxsie, and our top fundraiser, who was also in the top ten fundraisers nationally, Bob Spadano! And a thank you to our fabulous run and walk coaches, Dianna Glass, Bob Dagesse, Alan Barrington, Jim Doyle, and Cynthia Tanzi for coaching our team to the top this season!! GO TEAM!!
{Nikki, Linda, and Bob showing off their medals!} |
{Coaches with the last TNT participant! Incredible!} |