It's the most wonderful for time of year...for anyone with a super sonic metabolism. It's the season of giving our daily diets an extra helping of calories. With the holidays upon us, we find ourselves loosening our belts and switching to a diet of milk and cookies, so it's no coincidence that Americans find their jeans to have a tighter fit in January. The average "holiday dinner" can supply upwards of 3,000 just one meal! With endless side dishes and dense desserts, it's hard to avoid this caloric splurge that is the holiday season. Here at Team In Training, we are all about helping you be your best, and we don't take time off from that goal despite the holidays! There are numerous ways to stay slim and fit during the holidays while still enjoying those creamy mashed potatoes and decadent pecan pie! All you need is a dash of exercise and a pinch of self control!
The most important part is knowing the stats; bear in mind that these averages and may be modified for certain individuals. The average American should be consuming approximately 2,000 calories a day to maintain their weight, and one pound of fat is worth 3,500 calories. How many times have I heard my mom say "I gained three pounds in one day!"? I assure you, mom, that you did not consume 10,500 calories on top of your daily 2,000 calories...however, it is very easy to tack on an extra 1,000 calories per day during the holiday season, ensuring a weight gain of 2lbs per week.
What's the easiest way to avoid this unwanted weight gain? Eat less and BURN THOSE CALS! Fit a workout in each day to keep your calorie count down. "Too busy" to workout during the busy holiday season? Here are some tips:
- Holiday shopping? Park your car in the farthest spot from the entrance and power walk the sales! Skip the food court, you have plenty of treats at home!
- Take the stairs; everywhere! Work, shopping, errands, walk walk walk!
- Spending time with the family? Get outside and throw the football around! Take a walk around your neighborhood with the family!
- Join TNT for a weekend training run or walk! Newcomers and alumni alike!
It's important to remember that every calorie burned counts! As for the eating less:
Fill up on healthy appetizers, raid the vegetable and fruit platters and go easy on the chips and dip!
- Chew your food slowly, be aware of how much you are eating. It's easy to wolf down a plate of food and go back for seconds, but if you allow your body to realize how much food you've consumed, seconds won't look as appetizing to a full stomach.
- Avoid over doing the desserts; one slice of pie contains roughly 350-500 calories, depending on the pie and the slice...keep this number engrained in your memory before going for that second slice!
Remember, these are just the basics! There are lots of great websites that contain healthy holiday recipes and quick and easy workouts, but use these tips to enjoy your holiday in the slimmer way!