Is there any greater feeling than crossing the finish line of a race? Yes...when you know there's a Tiffany necklace waiting for you there. NWM 2012
{Bria and Ari sneak behind the NWM Run sign} |
{Sea Lions resting up before the race!} |
Last weekend TNT sent a spirited group of 16 participants to San Francisco to take on the Nike Women's Marathon and Half Marathon. Full of excitement and led by the fearless Kayde Wagner, the Team made the most of their trip by exploring the city in the days leading up to the race. From scenic bus tours around the city, to lazy sea lions lounging at Pier 39, the group had an unforgettable adventure. Pre-race jitters were no match for the incredible Inspiration dinner the day before the race, where leukemia survivor Kelley Cohen told her
story to thousands of TNT participants before running the race herself!
The morning of the race came, fuel belts and all, and the moment our amazing Nike Team had been training for all season was finally here. Along the course they had a lovely view of the Golden Gate Bridge...and some handsome men in tuxedos!! At miles 10 & 25 was Kayde with her cheer team, the fiercest women on the course! Giving our participants one last boost before the end of the race, Kayde and her cheer team were greeted with smiling faces and "Go Team" cheers from the crowds of runners and walkers. Our little Ocean State sent 16 participants, all of who conquered the race, beaming as they crossed that finish line. And finishing the race has its perks: each finisher received a custom Tiffany necklace, some of the famous
Ghirardelli chocolate, and a Nike Women's Marathon finisher's shirt...all given out by shirtless fireman and tuxedo-dressed gentlemen...needless to say we will be back next year.
{Kayde's Fierce Women cheer Team!} |
Congratulations to our incredible team, you are an inspiration! A special thank you to our participants, who's hard work and dedication was exceptional since day one of training: Amy Shah, Anne-Marie Flaherty, Arieana Carcieri, Bonni Kirkwood, Bria D'Amico, Christine Pierce, Donna Drew, Jo-Anne Serydynski, Kathryn Taylor, Kim Sadowski, Linda Dagesse, Lisa Baccari, Marybeth Van Winter, Nicole Zelenak, Peggy Clarke, and Tammy Poisson.
A thank you to our coaches and staff who went as well! Alan Barrington, Bob Dagesse, and Kayde Wagner
{Pre-race with Team Nike!} |